Making the world a more sustainable and fairer place by using a systemic, empowering and rigorously innovative approach to strategy, learning and evaluation


Collaborative Impact is an open collective of passionate and like-minded professionals, with decades of hands-on experience in assessing complex social change processes, designing institutional strategies and MEL frameworks, and strengthening organisations and partnerships for impact.

We work with international research institutions and think tanks, bilateral and multilateral agencies, non-governmental organisations, philanthropies, and global coalitions to better define, understand and design their impact in messy and complex environments, and develop transformative solutions that work for people, business and the planet.


We help develop evidence-based change pathways through enhanced engagement, enabling clients and partners to envision alternative futures and devise solutions for people and the planet. Levering our deep understanding of social and political-economy drivers of change and broad methodological expertise, our blended approach fosters genuine collaboration, producing robust outcomes that stand the tests of time.

Collaboration is at our core. We believe more can be achieved by working together than in silos and by transcending existing knowledge disciplines and boundaries.

We gather top-tier teams with experts and facilitators from various fields and parts in the world, dedicated to providing collective services at a larger scale, helping clients see through their change processes from start to end. We also provide individual services focused on achieving specific outcomes or bridging remaining gaps.

Gender and social inclusion are central to our ethos. We’re committed to upholding voice, rights, ethics and safety in all we do. Our Code of Conduct serves as a compass.

Our core values are

What We Do

1. Evaluation for Impact
We help our clients and partners to understand and assess their ways towards transformative change and impact in a more systemic and empowering way, inclusive of different voices while also rigorous. We bring in-depth knowledge of process, outcome and impact assessment methodologies in the realist, theory-based, transformative evaluation traditions (cf. Our Methods & Tools).

2. Strategy & Learning for Impact
We help to design and adapt strategies and evaluative learning frameworks and make them ‘impact & investment ready’, geared towards achieving transformative change and impact in complex environments. 

3. Partnerships for Impact
We help to build and strengthen partnerships for impact through the various stages of intentional collaboration: visioning and building shared intent, identifying gaps and needs, understanding the broader ecosystem, designing and building community, assessing collective impact, and learning for improvement.

4. Innovation Capacity for Impact
We support transformative change far beyond our own reach, by helping our clients and partners to innovate and embed new methods, structures and ways of working into their organisations and the communities they work with. We bring together experts and facilitators from various fields to help make organisational change and strengthen capacity for learning and measuring impact.

Our Areas

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☐ Quality. We prioritise delivery of ‘good’ over ‘fast’ and ‘cheap’, but create optimal shared value with available resources by balancing standards of rigour, inclusiveness, and feasibility.

☐ Collaboration. We sit on the same side (not opposite) of the table with our clients and colleagues to design the methods and processes together. We share responsibility and judge our own success by theirs.

☐ Empowerment. We consistently seek to enable equal voice and participation to support transformative change for those affected by our work or the work we help to design, strengthen and evaluate.

☐ Trust. More than a service provider, we are a reliable, respectful, empathetic, caring and responsive partner. We speak with one voice and are consistent in everything we say/do in private and in public. .

☐ Openness. We remain open to multiple ideas, realities and ways of knowing, and creatively co-design and combine methods and processes to build credible and VUCA-sensitive knowledge and solutions.